Thank you!
I would like to acknowledge here a few people, who with their professional help, committment to their work and support to their clients, directly or indirectly complement my work, in the past, now or in the future.
Author and creative writer teacher. She kicked off my writing thanks to her creative writing classes.
Professional photographer. She gave me permission to use some of her pictures to accompany my social media posts or newsletters, and we also did a professional photoshooting, providing me with some nice pictures to use.
Editor. She is my choosen editor, her outstanding work helped me make my book a published reality.
The Alliance of Independent Author
Author alliance. I joined in December 2021 as I was in the process of uploading my files for publication. It provides a very helpful and lively forum and plenty of specific information about self-publishing. I also appreciate the directory list with recommended and less recommended services. (Please be informed that I use ALLi affiliate link, if you click and join ALLi, I will receive a small commission).